Tour details and partners
second stage, Ekuador and Costa Rica
24. Feb. – 12. März 2017
25. – 27. 2. 2017
Otavalo, Hatun Kotama, Ecuador
Musical encounter with the flutists of the Kichwa
Location: “Centro Cultural de Investigación Ancestral y Desarrollo Integral Comunitario Hatun Kotama” Otavalo
Contributing artists: Edison Maldonado, Mariano Maldonado, Luis Enrique “Katsa” Cachiguango and members of the Hatun Kotama flute school
Organizer:”Centro Cultural de Investigación Ancestral y Desarrollo Integral Comunitario Hatun Kotama” Otavalo
Special thanks to: the whole family Maldonado for accommodating us with so much cordiality and open-mindedness. Luis Enrique Cachiguango for inviting us to attend a wonderful “ceremony of the elements” which helped our hearts connect to each other.
27. 2. 2017
Otavalo, Hatun Kotama, Ecuador
Concert with Kichwa flutists
Location:”Centro Cultural de Investigación Ancestral y Desarrollo Integral Comunitario Hatun Kotama” Otavalo
Contributing artists: Edison Maldonado, Mariano Maldonado, Lius Enrique “Katsa” Cachiguango and members of the Hatun Kotama flute school
Organizer:”Centro Cultural de Investigación Ancestral y Desarrollo Integral Comunitario Hatun Kotama” Otavalo
Special thanks to: Mariano and Edison Maldonado, and to the small and big musicians and flutists of the Hatun Kotama flute school.
1. – 3. 3. 2017
Quito, Ecuador
Workshops for composition, improvisation, violin, cello, percussion, clarinet
Location: “Conservatorio de Música Franz Liszt” Quito
Organizer:”Conservatorio de Música Franz Liszt” Quito
Special thanks to: Sofía Izurieta de Ferro and her whole family for accommodating us so splendidly in Quito. To Mario Alfredo Ayabaca Sarria for his huge professional help which went far beyond organizational matters.
4. 3. 2017
Quito, Ecuador
Location:”Conservatorio de Música Franz Liszt” Quito
Contributing artists: Sofía Izurieta de Ferro, lecturers and students of the Conservatory
Organizer:”Conservatorio de Música Franz Liszt” Quito
Special thanks to: Sofía Izurieta de Ferro for her trust and her artistic and social vision, and to all the committed instructors and students at the Conservatory.
6. – 8. 3. 2017
Heredia, Costa Rica
Workshops for composition, improvisation, violin, cello, percussion, clarinet, accordion
Location: “Golden Valley School” Heredia
Organizer:”Golden Valley School” Heredia
Special thanks to: Jaqueline Cardoza Arevalo, the only music teacher at school. To José Perez Abellán, who went out of his way organizing. To Michelle McQueary for the warm reception at her place.
8. 3. 2017
Heredia, Costa Rica
Location:”Golden Valley School” Heredia
Contributing artists: Jaqueline Cardoza Arevalo, teachers and pupils of “Golden Valley School”
Organizer:”Golden Valley School” Heredia
Special thanks to: the over hundred students, most of them having shown enthusiasm for active music making.
9. – 10. 3. 2017
Yorkín, Talamanca, Limón, Costa Rica
Musical encounter and concert with musicians of the indigenous Bribri and Naso
Location: Yorkin Indigenous Reserve / Reserva Indígena Yorkín
Contributing artists: Maryuli Torres Aguilar, Michael Franz
Organizer: Asociación STIBRAWPA
Special thanks to: Michael Franz, volunteer in Yorkín, who understood our intentions and went out of his way to translate them into practice. To the community of Yorkín for the warm reception in their village. To Maryuli Torres Aguilar from the border area in Panama, who had the courage to share and present the traditional Naso songs and dances together with us and the audience during the concert.
Programme of the concerts:
The following pieces were prepared for the musical encounters and concerts:
Volker Staub: for two to play on one drum (for 2 percussionists) / Witterungsinstrumente (sound installation) / Tripa for ensemble /
OEO #1, #4, #5 (for ensemble) / Unser Meer – Mare Nostrum (for singing soloists, choir, instrumental soloists and orchestra)
Sebastian Flaig: Der Emul (for ensemble) / Wide Call (for ensemble)
Edgar Granda: Suite Popular Moderna Ecuatoriana (for guitar solo, arranged for ensemble by Volker Staub)
Klezmer arrangements and arrangements of traditional music from Syria, Bulgaria, Germany, India, the USA and Senegal.
Improvisations and new pieces rehearsed on location together with cooperation partners.
Ruben Staub: Clarinet and arrangement / Mila Krasnyuk: Violin, viola
Larissa Nagel: Cello / Dragan Ribic´: Accordion
Sebastian Flaig: Percussion and composition
Volker Staub: Direction, composition, piano and percussion
Noeryati Soegiono: Translation, tour management
Karl Heinz Pröpsting: Documentation
Cooperation partners:
Conservatorio de Música Franz Liszt Quito
Centro Cultural “Hatun Kotama“ Otavalo
Golden Valley School, San Isidro de Heredia, Costa Rica
Asociación Humboldt – Centro Goethe Quito
Red Cultural Alemana Ecuador
Foundation Apfelbaum
Foundation Neue Musik im Dialog
One Earth Orchestra
Theatre oft he Pfalzbau Ludwigshafen
Private sponsors

Photos from Karl Heinz Pröpsting, Ruben Staub, Noeryati Soegiono, Volker Staub
© One Earth Orchestra 2017